Called to the Bar in 2011
Pronouns: she/her/elle
Email Natalie
Phone (direct): 204.992.9903
Legal Assistant: Diane Roque
Email Diane
The end of a relationship can be difficult, but the process to find a resolution does not have to be. Natalie is dedicated to providing compassionate and knowledgeable legal representation in all matters of family law and believes that family disputes can be resolved through the Collaborative Process, Mediation, Arbitration and, as a last resort, through litigation.
In her thirteen years of practice, Natalie has undergone extensive collaborative training, and obtained her mediation certification and arbitration certification.
Natalie is fully fluent in French and English. She values a person’s right to choose in which official language to proceed and is pleased to offer family legal services in both languages. Natalie recently successfully completed a French certification in family law through the centre canadien de français juridique inc.
Natalie also believes in the importance of giving back to the community. She has volunteered with the Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre for the last decade and is currently on the board of directors of Family Arbitration and Mediation Legal Institute Inc. (FAMLI). Natalie is also a member of the Canadian & Manitoba Bar Associations, Collaborative Practice Manitoba, Family Dispute Resolution of Ontario (FDRIO), and l’association des juristes d’expression française du Manitoba (AJEFM).
Outside of work, Natalie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, travelling and staying active.